Public Library as Monument - SBVC Architecture Department
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Public Library as Monument

The proposal for this assignment was to create a library or bookstore where there is little access to books, while also creating an interesting place to rest. Instead of using most of the wall space for storing the books, they are on conveyer /escalating shelves that are in five of the columns. This allows for a good number of books within a small foot-print. The rest of the area is for contemplation and reading. The book shelves could be randomly stocked where one would have to just browse or wait for a book to find a book they are interested in. The idea is that there is this wealth of knowledge that is coming out of the earth, and it is up to you to find it.

  • Ian Kowalski
    Fall 2022, ARCH 112: Environmental Design

The library is more about the act of reading, rather than the act of going to a building that stores books. It is made to spark the imagination as much as preserving literature.